Environmental Allergies

Do you feel like you want to live in a bubble, especially this time of year in Australia with an increase in pollen allergies? Some other year-round enviro allergies include house dust mite (HDM), mould & pet dander.

These are some suggested ways you can avoid your triggers:

▫️MOULD: Remove or move!

▫️GRASS: Close windows & doors when the lawn is being mowed

▫️HOUSE DUST MITE: Wash bedding above 55C weekly

▫️DOGS & CATS: Don’t sit on furniture where the pets have sat

▫️Wearing PPE can also assist in keeping nasty allergies at bay.

If mould is causing you allergy symptoms or illness and the environment can not be remediated, sometimes the best option is to move. As daunting as that may seem, especially given the rise in real estate, sometimes it is the best option. My doctor said, ‘Move or I will see you in hospital next week.’ 5 days later, I was in hospital due to mould.

One part of my job is to determine if a house is fit for habitation, and unfortunately there are rare times that I have to recommend a client move house.

But, I will always offer recommendations on how to remediate/remove/repair homes to assist its and your health!


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